Ultrasound Terminology

Greetings Scan Squad! 

I'm thrilled to welcome you to the very first edition of The Probe-Cast, eVet Guides’ very own newsletter and blog. 

For those who don't know us yet, evetguides.com is your new go-to resource for mastering veterinary ultrasonography. We're on a mission to help veterinarians enhance their ultrasound skills through easy-to-follow, practical guides designed by vets, for vets.

Can't remember any ultrasound terminology you learned in your brief vet school tutorials? (Don't worry - most of us only got a few hours of training!)

Let’s use this example of a cystolith (see below) in a urinary bladder to refresh:

Echogenicity = the ability to bounce an echo

1. An = without = anechoic = no echo (black)

2. Hyper = more than = hyperechoic = more echo

3. Hypo = less than = hypoechoic = less echo

4. Iso = same = isoechoic = same echo


A Cool Kidney